Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

representatives of Georgia Line Party On Split Planned Parenthood Funding - Atlanta Journal Constitution

By Chris Joyner and Bob Keefe

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A spokesman for Planned Parenthood of Georgia has expressed its disappointment at a U.S. House vote Friday on federal funding for the organization to be deleted.

Curtis Compton Rep. Lynn Westmoreland ccompton@ajc.com: "Using 317 million U.S. dollars annually to subsidize the largest provider of abortions goes against every fiber of my being."
Bita Honarvar bhonarvar@ajc.com Rep. Hank Johnson: "It's as cynical a bill that my tenure I have seen everything."

Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind. known fact that efforts for a federal program on reproductive health as Title X fund $ 317,000,000 and the prohibition of Planned Parenthood, but do not receive federal funds because the organization performance of abortions Gaza Strip. The measure passed by a 240-185, but faces an uncertain future in Democratic Senate majority.

Leola Reis of Planned Parenthood of Georgia has called the vote "extremely" and disconnected from reality.

"People are really looking for Congress to concentrate jobs and the economy," she said. "Planned Parenthood for health care, a million and half people."

Rice said Planned Parenthood's downtown Atlanta office provides a range of health services to a clientele of over 6,000.

"Without this support we expect more women to make difficult decisions about what they can and can not afford to make their health care system," she said.

Georgian delegation in Congress voted along party lines to vote with eight Republicans for amendments to cut funding for family planning, while five Democrats voted against Georgia.

Rep. Paul Broun, R-Athens, said the vote was purely about abortion.

"I believe that abortion is the greatest moral challenge that the nation faces," said Broun, a doctor for about 40 years before entering Congress. "The reason I think that I can not God continues to bless America while we kill all the babies know 4000 days. "

Added Rep. Lynn Westmoreland of Coweta County: "The majority of Americans and the majority of voters in the 3rd [Congressional] District will subsidize the taxpayer-funded abortions, opposed me with $ 317,000,000 a year, the largest supplier cons of all abortions. fiber of my being. Life is sacred and must be treated as such. "

Rice said no federal money is used for abortions. be used by the law of federal dollars for prevention services, "she said.

"This legislation so cynical that I saw during my tenure," said Hank Johnson, Democrat of Lithonia. "Evidence-based Planned Parenthood This shift without receiving federal funds to prevent, including Medicaid reimbursement for family planning services, funding for counseling and testing, financing programs for infertility, to prevent agents of breast cancer and cervical cancer and to provide funding for sex education, including information on abstinence. "

Rice said Planned Parenthood is to restore the Senate regarding funding. Rep. Tom Price of Roswell acknowledged that there is no easy fight in the Senate, but he suggested that senators would be wise to listen to voters.

"I hope they [senators] to represent their constituents - just like us," said Price.

Planned Parenthood has five hospitals in Georgia.

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