Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

The Blogger Behind The Scott Walker Prank Call - Washington Post

Who was behind the call joke that is recorded in a 20-minute interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) and a controversy that broke out Wednesday on the Web has brought?

Meet Ian Murphy, 33, of Buffalo, who writes for a website called and said Tuesday BuffaloBeast.com Conservative activist David Koch for the purpose of provoking embarrassing Walker in the production notes.

Murphy, who describes his politics as "extreme left", said in an interview that he, how easily he was surprised by Walker has been corrected. First, says he, an administrative assistant, who was then with another senior counsel, who had once held Tuesday afternoon for connected entertainment combined.

"I was with [using] my daughter Maria threw my phone in the washing machine, and I probably expelled, but he worked for almost nothing joked," Murphy said. "I told them so said he was not really possible for them to remember, and I call again. "

"I thought it was ridiculous, and there was no way I go," he said. But when he again called at the time: "I'm Governor Walker."

Murphy said he conducted the interview from his home, he said he shared with his girlfriend and a roommate, Skype to save it.

Murphy said he was acting alone coating. He said he initially thought the call of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Walker and good, but after reviewing the videos to YouTube, he decided he could not master the accents.

Bloggers have done instead of the kitchen, the curator of wealthy donors and favorite target of liberal activists, Koch and his brother Charles as a sponsor of the activities of tea parties. Murphy said Walker did not say much in private that he did not say in public, although Murphy was pleased that the Governor wanted to use bait such as planting demonstrators for trade union activists.

"We remind you that we can," Murphy said Walker during the conversation, deepening his voice as the sound Koch. "But what we thought on the public, uh, was the planting of a few troublemakers. "

Walker said: "We thought, but then explained that the violence or other disturbances could be counterproductive.

Murphy has released the recording in his blog on the site, but the new spread his server was not the traffic - and crashed on the website.

Walker office issued a statement Wednesday saying that by encouraging, Walker and maintained its recognition for the commitment to civil discourse. ... The call shows that the Governor said the same thing in private, when he was in the public and not the lengths that some will debate with civil Wisconsin is disturbing. "

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