Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Moscow Domodedovo Airport Blast: The search begins for Who's responsible - Christian Science Monitor

Experts say the explosion that killed at least 35, probably in northern Russia in the Caucasus unstable region, where political assassinations, bombings, kidnappings and occur almost every day of being persecuted.


A huge explosion, apparently caused by a suicide bomber struck, Moscow's busiest airport on Monday afternoon, killing at least 35 people and injured more than 130th

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The bomb, the Russian news agencies said was equivalent (kg 15.4) with seven pounds of TNT, shortly after 15.00 clock in the arrival hall of the airport Domodedovo crowd. Domodedovo is Russia as a gateway to British Airways, Lufthansa, Cathay Pacific used, El Al Airlines and many countries of the former Soviet Union.

The inner part of the Domodedovo is the main arrival point for flights of troubled southern Russian regions, including North Cacasus.

A "knot" of problems in the North Caucasus

A Russian security official quoted by Interfax news agency independent news that the explosion was caused by "terrorism", perhaps from a flight from the North Caucasus.

Leonid Mlechin, a freelance journalist, security issues are concerned, says the return of terrorism in Moscow indicates that the security of the Russian armed forces have failed to address the lessons of past terrorist attacks.

"This is a serious violation of special services," he said. "No one can be equipped to perform these actions alone. He has trained and supported by an organized group. Our intelligence services have apparently not capable catch these groups. "

He added: "Our society does not merely recognize the seriousness of the situation in the North Caucasus, there is a knot of problems, and each year they are not treated, they will develop and solve more difficult .. "

Medvedev Travel

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has postponed a planned trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, where the news was met by news agencies as saying that the perpetrators would be hunted down and punished are.

Experts say the explosion was probably almost daily occurrence in Russia due to the volatile North Caucasus, where political assassinations, bombings, kidnappings, and are a bit close.

Stability has been the gradual collapse in the mainly Muslim region, but gets little by Russian media reported violent terrorist attack is a major city in Russia, as last happened about a year ago, when two suicide bombers peak reached a crowded Moscow subway in the morning, nearly 40 people killed.

separatist movement has made a push Islamist

A possible suspect Doku Umarov, the Chechen warlord who has taken the mantle of separatist rebels - who fought two wars for independence of Chechnya from Russia - and gave him a push Islamist militant ideology.

Violence has once again asked to Chechnya in the past, despite the Kremlin that the Republic was pacified and returned to normal Moscow Kadyrov strong.

"None of this assault by Russian security services should be surprised," said Andrei Soldatov, editor in chief of, an online journal that studies of intelligence. "The [terrorists] tactics, activities republics in the Caucasus and bring it to Moscow. Terrorist activities are increasing in the North Caucasus region, and it was only a matter of time before they hit the heart of the Russia again says it.

Domodedovo airport, which was a massive power outage during an ice storm closed in late December, is considered the most modern airport in Russia, but also its busiest. Many experts have warned that the facilities for all the traffic it generates handle is missing.

"Domodedovo is too crowded and too many lines," Mr. Soldatov said. "We all remember the problems of recent years," he said referring to a power outage that whole airport, closed for two days.

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