Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Bands Steve Harvey's ex-wife are not so funny - CNN International


  • Three YouTube videos based on Mary Harvey talk about their separation
  • Videos are "false, misleading," said Steve Harvey's Bar
  • The couple divorced in 2005

(AP) - Comedian Steve Harvey's ex-wife published a series of YouTube videos on the breakup of her marriage and the struggle that followed.

"It's hard to put something behind this new in your life," said Mary Harvey, pointing to an article in Essence magazine this month and it is based on a complaint filed by her ex-husband.

"When I sit and talk and talk now, there is a complaint filed against me in Texas, as in the opinion of Steve, I was responsible, as Oprah does not give him a television show," she said. "I continued, I'm sitting here on the couch today."

The three videos, which run 26 minutes are excerpts from letters and e-mails that she said between Harvey and his current wife, Marjorie, was intercepted near the end of their 16-year relationship with him.

A statement released Monday by CNN, where Harvey's lawyer, said: "We are shocked and aware of the video and other documents prepared on the Internet during the weekend by the ex-wife of Steve Harvey the errors contained in the transport have been taken, misleading, derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory and clear information about Mr. Harvey, his current wife and others. "

Steve Harvey and Mary were divorced in 2005 but continued to struggle, in which Harvey turned my son against me has led me kicked out of our house, all companies, all the money, cars, "she said.

"He has manipulated the courts, all against me," she said.

Steve Harvey would not personally respond to accusations of "existing judicial gag orders," said Attorney Bobbie Edmonds.

It violates "take legal measures" against the ex-wife because of the videos he said court decisions "to ban the party, its attorneys or representatives of the discussion and sharing of information via the Internet and media "said Edmonds.

"We are sad that the ex-wife in a sneaky and selfish behavior such use, with total disregard for their minor son, adult son and other children of Mr. Harvey," he said.

Steve Harvey and Mary met in 1989 and married in 1996, she said. His son, Wynton, was born a year after her marriage.

In the videos, Mary Harvey describes the early years of their relationship as a financial struggle in which they supported his comedy career by sleeping in their car while traveling from job to job.

The couple would survive sometimes kept in a glass of coins in the trunk, sometimes stealing gas to make it in the nearest city, she said.

Harvey was like career was flourishing, it clearly: "I was not alone in my relationship with my husband," she said.

"He hit me very hard" when they intercepted a love letter from a friend on her second wedding anniversary, she said.

The letter was later that the woman moving with Harvey and marry, "said Mary Harvey.

He never an excuse, "she said.

"Steve has never said he was sorry," she said. "He was our maid and her luggage to our business, then in New York, it has been."

The last of three videos includes a letter of apology, "said Harvey's attorney wanted to sign them.

"He wanted me to blame, in writing," she said.

CNN Brittany Kaplan contributed to this report.

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