Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Rumor has it Jim Carrey in a snowboarding accident dies - The Inquisitr

Category: Celebrity News Author: Duncan Riley Posted: March 2, 2011
Tags: dead, Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey's dead wrong, the death of Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey's dead, Jim Carrey snowboarding accident

jim carrey died snowboard accident

The circuit of false celebrity death has been quiet this year is going, but after a winter break a comeback with a rumor went around that Jim Carrey was killed in a snowboarding accident.

A news site (rather dubious) wrote

"Actor Jim Carrey is reported that shortly after the accident Snowboard died early this morning - March 3, 2011.

The actor and snowboarders were beginners in the ski resort of Zermatt in Zermatt, Switzerland vacations with family and friends. Witnesses pointed out that Jim Carrey has lost control of his snowboard and hit a tree at high speed.

Jim Carrey has been thrown by the ski patrol team of the air in a local hospital, but it is believed that the actor died immediately the consequences of the accident. The actor was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident and drug and alcohol does not seem to have a role in his death have. "

We can clearly state that, although the story is 100% untrue. Jim Carrey has not died in a snowboarding accident.

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