Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Mt Daniel All Set for the 107th anniversary celebrations of Dr. Seuss -

[["validates_presence_of", {"message": "Please enter your name ."}],["", validates_length_of {" allow_nil ": true," max ": 100," too_long "" Your name is less than 100 characters ."}]]

["validates_presence_of", {"message": "Please enter your e-mail validates_length_of ."}],["", {" allow_nil ": true," max ": 100, "too_long" "Your e-mail must contain between 5 and 100 characters validates_email_format_of ."}],["", {"message": "Your e-mail address is properly formatted." At least it will once again ?"}],[" validates_uniqueness_of "{" appears: "The e-mail is used by members entered a different address other one. Please try. "" Exists_url ":" user / exists? / email = "" client_can_validate ": true}]]

[["validates_presence_of", {"message": "Please enter your password ."}],["", validates_length_of {" allow_nil ": true," Minimum ": 4," max ": 40 "TOO_SHORT" "Your password must sign containing between 4 and 40 years.", "too_long" The password must be between 4 and 40 characters ."}],[" validates_format_of "{" you " a-zA ":["^[ - Z0-9 \ \ \ _ -]*?$",""]," message \ ":" Your password must contain letters, numbers and hyphens underscore .. No emoticons: please p "}]]

[["validates_presence_of", {"message": "Please confirm your password ."}]]

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