Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Poseidon ep 12 eng Sub srt

Poseidon ep 12 eng Sub srt
sunrays Woo and Soo Yoon come in his car driving for the club of the GM/tipster seeing that Soo Yoon tries to think about their GPS. Jung Ryul and also the other members of CGI9 want to catch up with these people. The pair reaches the actual club and looks at their GPS to trace the tipster's location using his mobile phone and Soo Yoon sees it in the alley beside the pub. He checks the telephone log and sees his number and the photo that was provided for him and again remembers the girl in the trunk.

The tipster is not well-known so Sun Woo goes in the club to check if he's inside women and men girl said he gone out. He calls a sleeping Dae Sung and asks him if he knows the location where the tipster might be but Dae Sung said he talked for the guy a few hours ago. Sun Woo and Soo Yoon left the particular club. Jung Ryul and Yong Gap were discussing things about the case when minutes Hyuk and Choong Shik arrives with documents pertaining to the case.

Jung Ryul submits his report to Chief Sang Goon and also the latter tells Jung Ryul to look into even the tiniest information. Jung Ryul washes the face and looks at the mirror then goes returning to the office and sees the opposite members sleeping. He tries calling sunrays Woo but he works off his phone as well as calls Soo Yoon although Sun Woo tells her to not answer it. The pair are exterior the dye factory so are planning on entering them.

Jung Ryul tries contacting them again but neither of which is answering so he stays in the Command Center and also asks Ji Ah to trace the location of Sun Woo and also Soo Yoon. He gets suspicious along with worried when he listens to their location and quickly goes out to follow them. relationship, Sun Woo and Soo Yoon were able to enter the factory undiscovered and enters a storage room but most of the men in the factory sees them when they're walking at the hallway. Sun Woo holds Soo Yoon's hand and they run, a chase arises and both were cornered.

Jung Ryul along with the team arrives just soon enough as the leader belonging to the group tries hitting Sun Woo that has a pipe. He approaches Sun Woo and punches him on the face surprising the some other members. He then talks for the leader and explains just what happened. Min Hyuk and Soo Yoon are discussing with the leader as another members and police men were confiscating documents on the office. Soo Yoon was asking the guy if there was clearly a man brought while in the factory but the person said there's none. Jung Ryul as well as other members were outside when a vintage man in a car arrives (the owner from the factory) and asking what's taking place so Jung Ryul brings out himself.

Sun Woo is actually at the headquarters remains looking at the bloodied photo with the tipster. Dae Sung arrives and also was worried when sun Woo tells him what happened for the tipster. A beautiful house is definitely shown with an opera music being played in the background. The tipster continues to alive and is lying for the floor of the attic. The killer looks in him as he tells him to let him go simply because won't get anything from him however the killer doesn't listen in order to him leaves the attic. He proceeds to the family area and changes the music to an English melody. He toasts some bread and makes his java which he consumed within 1 gulp.

Yong Gap was in a cafe talking to some younger guy he was applying for help about an data he needs. The guys was reluctant at the beginning but Yong Gap allows him his assurance and results giving Yong Gap what exactly he needs. Min Hyuk, Choong Shik and Soo Yoon are at the office looking at the docs, all are exhausted if Sun Woo arrives. Min Hyuk tells Sun Woo to not ever do what he's executed again and discusses their own next plan.

Jung Ryul sees Yong Gap along at the hallway and the second item gives him a document he got through the younger guy and MY SPOUSE AND I heard him mention Hong Kong. They enter the office and Sun Woo awkwardly greets Jung Ryul plus the two talks at their office. He reprimands him with regard to his actions but down the line told him he's there to support. The killer is talking to the director and he or she gives him a yellow package (I think it's money) thanking for helping them for future transactions, he sends him to his car and gives the package then the overseer leaves. The killer's assistant demonstrates him the photos with the director receiving the package deal.

Joo Min returns to figureout and his staff are all very happy to see him. He goes toward his office and closes the blinds on the window and looks in his gun. He remembers the prison telling him that that the President learns about the incident he'll die. Jung Ryul interrogates the old man however the latter is uncooperative. Chief Sang Goon tells Jung Ryul she has to let the previous man go since they don't employ a strong case against your ex. Jung Ryul tries to be able to protest but was compelled to free the outdated man who he escorted exterior the building. Joo Min calls Jung Ryul plus he was surprised for the developments on the case.

President Lee at the orphanage watching the kids having fun playing. He talks to the lady at the orphanage and learns that will Sun Woo and Soo Yoon have been there maybe once or twice already. The killer arrives and reports on the President about the bribery photos in the Director. Two children calls the pup Grandfather and asks him to learn with them. He obliges as well as the killer just watches your ex from afar.

Sun Woo and Soo Yoon along at the porch and are fooling about. He puts her inside a headlock and they both finish up falling on the timber bed/bench. Didn't understand their conversation however it looks like one challenged the other and they also almost end up kissing or even for Dae Sung's being interrupted. Both got very uncomfortable with Soo Yoon working inside and Sun Woo negatively affecting Dae Sung who continued teasing them. Soo Yoon stays in her room and knocks her exactly the pillow for pretty much kissing Sun Woo.

Jung Ryul and Joo Min are talking to the phone updating the latter on the status of the instance. Joo Min who appeared to be inside his car sends a text message after ending his conversation with Jung Ryul. He then gets there are various car and enters an incredible home. He enters the front door's password and enters the house. Jung Ryul who was preparing going home receives and reads Joo Min's text telling him to necessitate back up if many people can't reach him in a couple of hours, he gets worried plus quickly drives his vehicle.

Joo Min has entered your house of the killer as well as presses the redial button on the phone to hear someone breathing to the other line (the tipster with the basement). He was about to go upstairs when the light turns on and the killer enters the home. Joo Min sees the face belonging to the killer. Jung Ryul calls sun's rays Woo and asks him to search with him to help you save Joo Min. Soo Yoon percieves them leaving and obtains suspicious.

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