Rabu, 10 November 2010

The Danger of Heroin and Cocaine Addiction

Heroin addiction is one kind of drugs addiction. Heroin considered as the most dangerous drug as it really addictive. Usually, thing are wanted by heroin users is a high, a sensation in euphoria. But slowly heroin builds up kind of a tolerance in the body, makes higher doses are needed to get the wanted high level. This surely creates terrible dependence (both physical and mental) or addiction to it. Heroin usage also creates cravings and some symptoms of withdrawal, which make it hard for addicts to stop using it. Most of these addicts will need drug rehabilitation treatment or even detoxification program in order to end this addiction. Usually, heroin addicts are tend to relapse chronically, even after treatment. Painful craving will appear sometimes, so it is important for addicts to have a drug rehab program, due to these programs help them to recognize and fight any drug use temptation that come in the future. All of the heroin abuse will bring to death. So, make sure you know where to find heroin addiction help in case you need it.
Crack cocaine is also dangerous. Though it is less expensive than heroine, this is as extremely addictive as heroin does. Even the addiction can be happened in the first time of cocaine’s usage. The effect of taking too much cocaine is almost the same with what heroine bring. But it is said cocaine have a harder effect in the user’s body. This makes the cocaine addict tend to act uncontrolled when they are under the influence of it. And the worst thing that can be happened if the user takes too much dose of cocaine is still, death. Because of it hard effect in addict’s body, the right crack cocaine treatment is urgently needed. Detoxification is hardly required to purify addict’s body from cocaine’s contamination, so that they can fight the temptation to retake cocaine.

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